Oh My!

I love to share what I have learned in the art of scrapbooking and paper crafts.

Friday, February 8, 2013


As I wait for the Blizzard of 2013 to arrive, I can't help but think about the Blizzard of '78.  I worked in a bank back then and the bank actually closed!  I have the most adorable picture of my son in his snowsuit out in the snow (I'll have to look for that).  Thankfully, we didn't lose power because that would have been awful.  We lived in an old apartment building that had once been a large New Englander.  No power would have meant that we would have to stay with family who had a woodstove.  What I do remember is that we had time to enjoy our little family without rushing to get to work and getting everything done. 
As I read Facebook I see posts from some who can't wait for it to arrive.  I personally wouldn't mind if I never had to state "I lived throught the Blizzard of 2013."  Now that I am older, I find myself liking winters less and less.  I loved last winter. We didn't have many days, if any, below zero.  We had very little snow.  Winter came later and spring came ealier.  Ahhh it was refreshing.  Almost didn't feel like New Hampshire at all.  I guess we were due for this.  So what to do during this historic storm?  Well.... I have some new product to play with.  That ought to keep me occupied.  For now, I'll share a picture I took a little while ago.  I'll make sure to update that picture as we live through the experience.  But if I don't get it up for a couple of days, that means we lost power and thus lost the internet.  I hope everyone stays safe today.
As you can see, we had bare ground before this storm decided to pay us a visit. We actually had rain last week. This view will be very different in a few hours.    Welcome to New England!